A serious Game for COE-DAT
(Center of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism)
A serious game will be created for COE-DAT as a virtual policymaking laboratory. This serious game’ s aim is to train military personnel about policymaking and strategic decision making.
Serious games are utilized in various fields. Developments in military field are very significant. It provides many advantages such as critical decision making, time and cost saving, virtual experience, etc. Therefore, recruits and trainees can be trained effectively. Our project’s goal is to develop a serious game for COE-DAT to address their virtual policymaking requirements. COE-DAT can use the outcomes of this project as a complementary tool to help training their personnel against terrorism.
Serious Game
About Project
PMLAB provides an opportunity to experience virtually different terror incident outcomes from various aspects of terrorism. In this way, military personnel can increase own performance in strategic and effective decision-making skills. The project has effective visuals for its participants who could be able to judge their understanding of the terror incidents in a game form. At the end of the game, users, trainees can evaluate their performance and scenario based feedback. Therefore, the output of this project is beneficial and impressive for the military personnel of COE-DAT.
Providing a virtual policymaking laboratory
with the help of a serious game!